elearning Facts

Research shows that elearning students are usually career orientated professionals who have families.

So even if you are in a full time job or have a young family it is possible to study, advance your career or learn something new. You can study whenever and wherever suits you!

50% of employee skills become outdated in 3 years.
(Source: Merrill Lynch "The Book of Knowledge")

Knowledge and skills are key to succeed in a competitive and fast moving industry. Our courses are fully up to date and incorporate new legislation allowing you to rapidly and regularly re-train to ensure you meet the demands created by a highly technical and continuously changing industry.

IDC Research demonstrates that 15% to 30% of an employee's time is spent looking for information, and they find it only 50% of the time.

Our e-learning courses and material presents exactly what you need to know in a clear format, meaning that this time can be put to better use.

Research shows that less than 20% of the information available to a company is actually used.